Our Approach


Our Approach

We always find it so important to clearly understand our clients needs. We don't run off a template or stick to certain ways, rather we listen, research your industry, and find out what will be the most beneficial for your company.

First Contact

Initially we meet for a coffee or schedule a time to chat on the phone. At this meeting our simple purpose is to listen to what your companies needs are and understand what your vision is.

Discuss content goals and needs

We then take all that information and discuss in what ways can we achieve the goals you have set and additionally, what medium will work best for you to get the maximum return.

Presentation of plan

After taking away all that information, we do an in-depth analysis and research into what your competitors are doing and present ways to create content that will not only deliver your expectations but also ensure the content is original, engaging and personalised to your companies needs


When the day finally comes around, our team will be ready to go from the minute we arrive! We ensure all our creatives are aware of exactly what they are doing so we waist no time getting straight into it!

Post Production

This is the final piece of the puzzle where we really bring it all together. For each shoot, we develop a handcrafted preset specific to your needs that ensures consistencies in colour, lighting and 'overall look' of your content.

Deployment and delivery of content

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